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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6PM  CBS  October 19, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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rebecca who filed in 2003 and rochelle arellano who filed in 2004. >> what does that say to you? >> it says to me that they are not really good managers with their money. >> reporter: people we talked to in downtown gilroy are concerned especially in these times when managing scarce resources is critical. >> seems the community wants someone that they can trust responsibly and financially. >> reporter: mayoral candidate brocco said in a statement, quote, my bankruptcy was in 1988, 25 years ago. since then, i have built a successful business, was elected to council 7 years ago, so judge me on what i have done on council, not on what happened 25 years ago. >> i think i can still represent gilroyians well. i think they can relate to me better. >> reporter: she was the only former bankrupt candidate willing to talk about it on camera. >> i have learned things the hard way like some of us do. >> reporter: mayoral candidate don gauge who has not had a bankruptcy says timing is everything. >> it's something that happened a year ago, i would have a
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great deal of concern. and i think the voters would, too. >> reporter: but gage says he won't condemn his competitors for something that happened in the distant past that's already been corrected. in gilroy, len ramirez, cbs 5. one more note tonight on a public official who has run into a little trouble. port of oakland's maritime director james kwon is now on paid leave. records show that kwon spent more than $4,500 in public money at a strip club in houston during a 2008 conference. this story broke as he was attending another conference in china. he has been ordered to come home. get your rain gear ready because we are about to get soaked. it look the most rain we have seen here in the bay area in six months. paul deanno has the weather forecast. >> april 25th the last time we have had widespread rainfall. this is typically when we first get our widespread rainfall in the fall. october 4 last year was the
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first big rain, october 23rd the year before. it was early in 2009, september 13. so we are ready. hi-def doppler is also ready. the strongest radar in the bay area coming up dry now but things will change. low pressure is affecting the west and it's on the way here. when it gets here we are going to have widespread soaking rainfall. for you skiers, we'll have widespread snowfall in the mountains. a taste of winter coming up. full forecast will reveal the time on this. but for those pining to get skis ready here's the start. >> dig them out of the garage. >> reporter: the umbrella, too. yeah. >> thank you. all right. a reminder tonight for those of you in the 408, your telephone world is changing this weekend. starting tomorrow, you will need to dial area codes when making local calls. that's because the new 669 area code is being added to the region. this affects people in santa
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clara county and parts of alameda county and santa cruz county, as well. no matter which area code you live in, 408 or the new 669, you will need to dial 1 first. if you use the san mateo bridge, you're going to have to find another way across the bay over the next two weekends. it will be closed for maintenance. starting tonight at 10:00 until 5 a.m. on monday, crews will be replacing a 60-foot section of the bridge with a new seismic joint. caltrans says it is a more permanent solution for cracks found two years ago during an inspection. in the meantime, drivers should use the dumbarton bridge or bay bridge as an alternate. how many times have you hopped on the freeway and immediately got stuck in a traffic jam? you will soon be able to avoid that thanks to a smart highway project just launched by caltrans. don ford shows us how it is supposed to keep one bay area freeway flowing. >> reporter: it is one of the most congested roads in the bay
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area. interstate 80 in the east bay. >> we have 24, 580, 80, 880, everything coming to one spaghetti bowl type thing here and this place is always like this. >> reporter: caltrans hopes to make it the smart he was freeway in the bay area announcing the -- the smartest freeway in the bay area announcing the project to computerize and automate it with the i-80 mobility project. the caltrans director. >> we have to bring in a new solution for congestion. >> reporter: from carquinez to the bay bridge, the freeway and all the on-ramps will be loaded with sensors telling a central computer where and how many cars are on the road at all times. here's how it works. an on-ramp tells the computer, i have 10 cars waiting and the computer responds, send all 10 up, or send 3 and hold the rest depending on the congestion. all the on-ramps will talk to
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each other to meter traffic. >> it tries to harmonize the movement of the cars in the corridor and that in itself captures greater capacity. >> reporter: dramatic new delhi signs already being used in europe will be installed, too, giving drivers more info on each lane as the message changes with traffic conditions. county supervisor scott haggerty. >> you need to find efficiencies in the corridor and that's not through pavement. >> reporter: it's about time, say some. >> it's always a mess. always. >> no matter what hour, it's nasty. >> always jammed up. >> reporter: the project is scheduled to be completed in 2015. in the east bay, don ford, cbs 5. other bay area headlines, crews are cleaning up a diesel spill in the south bay after a big rig jackknifed. it happened on northbound 101 near 13th street around 3:15 this afternoon. one lane and one on-ramp have been closed. crews are trying to keep the fuel from flowing to storm
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drains and into other lanes. a stabbing late this afternoon on muni here in san francisco. a 6 parnassus bus at hayes and market when a passenger got into an argument with the driver. when a city worker on board tried to intervene, the passenger got up and stabbed the guy in the neck with a pair of scissors. that victim was taken to the hospital with nonlife- threatening injuries. the attacker was arrested. the stakes for california's ballot initiatives couldn't be higher. millions of dollars are being pumped into campaigns in an effort to sway your vote. but as cbs 5 political reporter grace lee reports, it's hard to tell who is signing the checks. >> reporter: that's right. two of the best funded ballot measures are proposition 30, that's the governor's tax initiative, and proposition 32 which would ban payroll deductions for political purposes. now, both are getting a lot of attention because there is so much money involved. this election 290 million has been spent on 11 ballot initiatives. props 30 and 32 got the most a
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combined $197 million out of that $290 million. and now an unknown group from out of state is contributing millions. it's spurring all kinds of political pushing especially from governor brown. reporter: governor brown will be working through the weekend stuffing for his own tax initiative proposition 30 which would raise the sales tax a quarter percent and increase state income tax on the rich. >> have you seen the surveys? there are four separate polls that show the margin is 10 to 12%. that's the way it is today and between now and election day we'll make the difference. >> reporter: the governor was in burbank today. tomorrow he will be here in san francisco hoping that his personal campaigning will make the difference. and he may need it. there is a new multi-million dollar effort to defeat his cause. the nonprofit americans for responsible leadership from arizona has just donated $11 million. it's an effort to kill prop 30 and support prop 32, the
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initiative which prohibits payroll deductions for political purposes. >> the media has called on this shadowy arizona nonprofit to disclose the donors and the true source of this $11 million. >> reporter: today the nonprofit nonpartisan group california common cause is filing a complaint because the source of the massive campaign contribution is still not clear. >> $11 million doesn't just drop out of the sky out of nowhere. it does not pass the test that suddenly this level of money appears in california from an organization with no track record here. >> reporter: that $11 million was given to a group called the small business action committee based in sacramento. its spokeswoman says the complaint is a political play designed to make them look bad. >> the allegations that small business action committee pac has done anything illegal or
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not above board is an outright lie. we have disclosed all of our filings, all of our contributions from all of our donors according to the fair political practices commission. and you can find them on -- >> reporter: common cause says it has been digging into the background of the arizona nonprofit and they believe it was incorporated by a group associated with the billionaire oil baron charles and david koch who gave like $400 million this election cycle alone and are connected to karl rove's super park american crossroads. -- super pac american crossroads. in the presidential race, today both candidates are in battleground states. president obama told the crowd at george mason university in virginia that his opponent is a flip-flopper and he coined a new term for his condition. >> we got to name this condition that he is going through. [ laughter ] >> i think -- i -- i -- i think it's called romnesia. [ laughter ] >> reporter: mitt romney and
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paul ryan are focusing on another battleground state florida where the most recent polls the candidates are in a dead heat. last night the two presidential candidates got a little break from campaigning. they had some fun at each other's expense at the alfred e. smith dinner in new york. >> in the spirit of sesame street, the president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion. >> reporter: monday's debate will be voters' last chance to compare the two candidates side by side before election day getting close. it will be held at lynn university at boca raton, florida. you can see it live here on cbs 5 starting at clock. and for -- at 6:00. and for continuing coming of campaign 2012 anytime, log on to our website, >> thank you. a bay area officer busted. what prompted police to arrest one of their own. >> it turns out the space debris probably didn't fall in the east bay.
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the bay area county where meteorite hunters should turn their attention. >> it's definitely one of the greatest moments in sports history. >> i got it back and ran through the bin and scored. >> next thing i knew i was down. >> the four seconds that redefine the cal stanford rivalry. remembering "the play" coming up next. ,, (car horn)
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,,,, officer jeffrey enslen is suspecte the san jose police department has arrested one of its own. officer jeffrey enslen is suspected of committing grand theft as a result of time sheet fraud. the department's criminal investigation detail caught on to the discrepancy after a nine- month investigation. he is on administrative leave being booked at a santa clara
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jail. >> anytime you have an officer booked for felony crime it's disappointing to the rank-and- file. we count on one another to do a good job and to do the right things for the right reasons. >> prior to this incident, officer enslen had served the san jose police department for 15 years. the case is now in the hands of the district attorney. the pursuit only lasted a matter of seconds. about but in that time shot were fired and an innocent driver was injured. it came to an end at eddie and frankly streets. add don knapp reports, police are still trying to find the man responsible. >> reporter: that's right, dana. as police tell us, a cadillac was heading east on eddie towards van ness about the same time a taxicab was coming north on franklin. they met in the middle of the intersection and the resulting crash, police say, ended a situation that could have ended much worse. reporter: what's most amazing about this crash involving a cadillac t-boned by a taxi is that nobody got seriously hurt.
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this despite an amazing series of dangerous events following an attempted police traffic stop around 2 a.m. >> the vehicle again suddenly stopped. they heard a gunshot. they are assuming it came from the vehicle. the police stopped. the car fled down eddy street at a high rate of speed. once the officers caught back up to the car at some point they saw the collision. >> reporter: on the ground all around the crashed cadillac were dozens of cds and an officer on the scene earlier in the day suggested that the person they were looking for may be an oakland rap musician. but later in the day police would only say they don't know the identity of the missing driver. using one of the names print on the cd, cbs 5 followed tweets that suggested the musician had been here in oakland last evening at the club anton near jack london square. our calls were not returned. we have no information linking the cd to anyone involved in the shooting and crash. police have the passenger in custody and are still looking for the driver of the cadillac. the driver of the taxi received
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a nonlife-threatening injury to his hand. >> i don't know why they ran. maybe because they had a gun in the car? they could be wanted. given all the things that could have gone wrong, i think this was pretty good. >> reporter: we found a lot of these cds on the ground this evening and supposedly the people in the car may have been promoting these but if getting them on television was this idea, well, it's probably not exactly what they had in mind. reporting live in san francisco, don knapp, cbs 5. >> thank you. well, it's one of the biggest local college football games of the year and it happens tomorrow. it is of course the 115th big game between rivals stanford and cal. recently, we discovered a cache of unedited cbs 5 videotapes that captured one of the big game's most infamous moments 30 years ago. dennis o'donnell remembers the play. >> reporter: it's the week of intense rallies for stanford
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and cal. it's all about the big game. but as big game moments go -- >> down to the 20, he is going into the end zone! >> reporter: -- nothing compares to the play. [ screaming ] >> the bears, the bears have won!! bears have won!! >> reporter: the year 11982 in cal memorial stadium. it might be the most remarkable play in the history of college football. >> as soon as that play happened you knew it was going to be remembered, three years, 30 years, 300 years from now. >> reporter: and now a startling fresh perspective. cbs 5 has uncovered a treasure- trove of rarely seen unedited videotape of what went down that day. >> it was kind of a classic cold crisp november day. it looked like a movie set. >> it was a packed house. >> reporter: it shows the stanford quarterback and future nfl star john elway on the sidelines and in action also
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included the halftime show with mascots as well as flip cards ripping out a just released movie called "et" then the detail, the play. >> that one play was probably seen by more people than anything i have ever shot before. >> reporter: covering the event for cbs 5, photographer al lopez and a sports producer. >> it was not a huge upset for cal to win. it was just a huge unbelievable circumstance the way cal won. >> reporter: late in the 4th quarter, a field goal put stanford up 20-19 with four seconds left to play. on the field, playing for cal, number 26, strong safety kevin. >> everybody kind of knew we had to keep the ball alive because there was only four seconds left so we went out there with no real set plan. >> reporter: also on the field -- >> down on the field already upon a post-game concert. >> reporter: stanford band member trombonist thought the game was over.
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>> i didn't see the kickoff. >> reporter: moen got the ball. >> i know anything can happen. >> reporter: lopez zooms in tight. he gets the action. four cal players lateral the ball. one, two -- >> rogers along the sideline another one. >> reporter: three -- >> the ball is still loose. >> reporter: four... >> the band is on the field of! >> reporter: five times... moen who got it first got it last. >> there is only one stanford player around kevin but there are a lot of band players around him in the end zone. next thing i knew i was down. >> reporter: oakland trib photographer bob gannett caught the shot. lopez caught the officials huddling at midfield. 27 seconds later -- >> looks like a street person who got on the field is the first person who maybe signals touchdown it's good. then it just is insanity. >> it became just pandemonium
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which was great. it was brutal. >> reporter: fans mobbed the field. cal got the trophy known as the axe. and to this day the play remains controversial if not hotly disputed among ardent stanford fans but lack in the locker room on that day -- >> only one thing you could say. the bear would not die. >> reporter: as for moen and terrell after viewing our footage they offer each other a few words of advice. >> gary, if you are out on the field strap it on. >> i would say to kevin you have to hit me harder if you want to keep me down. >> reporter: yes indeed, the rivalry continues. dennis o'donnell, cbs 5. >> undoubtedly the greatest college play ever. we have posted some of the raw rarely seen videotape including interviews with the coach, players and the halftime show. check it all out, you can see go to ahead of tomorrow's big game, the cbs 5 newsroom was treated to a little surprise this afternoon. ♪ [ music ]
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the cal berkeley band came to play for us. the big game will be played in the new cal stadium tomorrow at high noon. cal is trying to win back the axe. well, turns out the meteorites didn't fall in the east bay after all. where scientists think the space debris actually landed. >> hi-def doppler is clear for right now but some big changes are coming big enough that right here is a winter storm watch for parts of northern california. details coming up. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15%
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen. wednesday night, are probabn the north bay. not nasa says remnants of that meteor that shot over the bay area wednesday night are probably in the north bay not the east bay.
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meteorite hunters searched the martinez hills yesterday hoping to find a chunk of that rock. now nasa says it's likely that the remnants are actually in a debris field in the north bay. scientists say the trajectory was from south to north. >> going to be tough. if they wait until monday it will be slip sliding on the trails. >> tough finding a meteor when it's sunny. try doing it with rainfall in the north bay. how about this, listen up, skiers, greater lake tahoe area, winter storm watch next monday into monday night. how much snow? not that much but hey it's something. greater lake tahoe area snow level down to 6,000 feet by monday afternoon. 6 to 12 inches of new snow likely. the first of many winter storm watches that we'll have over the next six months. we are just watching the fog and low cloud cover right now. beautiful view from our rooftop looking towards the bay bridge and san francisco bay. in the city it's only 60. yesterday we were 80. san jose 64. santa rosa 65. concord right now 70. there is hi-def doppler on the
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top of mount vaca looking out to the north and west. healdsburg, santa rosa, petaluma, will be soggy by the top of next week. here's the transition onshore flow is back high pressure now to our south and west that's why you're cloudier and cooler by some 15 degrees. don't worry about high pressure. it's all about lower pressure moving in our direction. that's going to sit off to our west and we'll have the wettest weather we have had since april. nearly 6 months. monday through wednesday widespread rain chance. not for the weekend. weekend is dry, cooler and cloudier but mainly dry. san jose tomorrow 70. your average high is 75 degrees. fremont only 68 tomorrow. napa 75. san francisco 66 and redwood city 69 degrees for your saturday. couple of degrees cooler, cloudier on sunday. rain monday through wednesday. if you don't like the rain, wait until thursday. that will be the next dry day after sunday. that's your cbs 5 forecast. coming up in our next half
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hour, looking for a job? the market here is gaining strength. but there are some surprises. the county that's essentially carrying the bay area on its shoulders. >> a green light for what will be the bay area's tallest building. how high and the other cities falling under its shadow. >> we have a hard time believing that somehow it's wrong to grow seashells on a seashore. >> but this bay area oyster farm might be forced to go. the slimy invasion threatening its future. how does it brew such great coffee? well, inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, actually, i just press this button.
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work. the state's unemploy now at 6:30, progress in getting more californians back to work. the state's unemployment fell in december to 10.2%, down from 10.6% in august. here in the bay area, it was a net increase of nearly 5,000 jobs. cbs 5 reporter da lin shows us where the strongest job gains are here in the bay area. >> reporter: economists say the big surprised? east bay has the strongest job growth in california. if you are looking for a job, start in alameda and contra
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costa counties. the latest employments and unemployment numbers show the bay area job market is looking up. >> i have heard that, you know, oakland is becoming like san francisco east in terms of how it's downtown development. >> reporter: almost all of the growth came from alameda and contra costa counties. >> we saw four sectors in particular gain jobs, educational and health services, financial services, information, even leisure and hospitality. >> reporter: in fact, the east bay gained 8200 jobs last month. that strong growth basically carried the bay area job market. that brings us to the next surprise. san francisco and san mateo counties lost 3500 jobs in september resulting in a lower overall bay area net job gain. >> there is a catch in all of this. >> among the job gains, many of them have been concentrated in lower wage jobs. >> reporter: that's why tens of thousands of people are still struggling. this employment development department was busy friday with
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people looking for work and for some, time has run out. like daniel landry, his unemployment benefits ran out in june. he has been looking for work for 2.5 years. >> it's been very difficult. it's something that, you know, like they say, you know, finding a job is a job. >> reporter: experts say avoid the construction and manufacturing sectors. they say those two industries keep losing jobs almost on a monthly basis. >> all right. da lin with the update, thank you. da. the biggest skyscraper on the west coast is going to be built in san francisco. city planners approved construction and funding for the new 61 story transbay terminal tower. it will be built at first and mission streets. and when it's done, it will stand at 1,070 feet. now, that's 200 feet taller than the transamerica building.
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planners actually lowered the height of the building a bit to please neighbors concerned about the size and increased traffic. it sounds a little like a horror movie from the 1950s. an invasive species in the northern bay area nicknamed the blob... as cbs 5 reporter john ramos explains, from point reyes the slimy invader is being used to try and tip the balance in the fight over a commercial oyster bed. >> reporter: the point reyes seashore is a place of solitude and wind spent beauty but the inlet is a battle ground and in the crosshairs is the drakes bay oyster company. >> it's an ideal shellfish growing area with the best water quality of any estuary in the state. >> reporter: oysters have been farmed here for 70 years but the national park service wants to convert it to a wilderness area.
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the oyster company would have to go at the end of next month when the 40-year permit expires. >> when they bought it, they knew that it expired in 2012 and that everything had to be out. he felt that he could get that changed. >> reporter: but he says that a renewal option of was always part of the agreement. >> when the parks service first claimed that the law and policy said they couldn't renew, that was cleared up and it was clear to the public, clear to congress, that they in the could renew, that's when they began to claim there was environmental harm. >> reporter: one often cited danger is something called, [ non-english language ] , or dvex. this slimy mass grows on hard surfaces like oyster shells and the wooden racks they grow on. the fear is it could spread and choke out native species. >> we have human-introduced structure that's promoting the growth and spread of dvex and the basic principle was acknowledged by the national academy of science. >> reporter: but here's where
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things get fishy. in its report on the oyster farm, the national academy of sciences says the harm has been exaggerated and writes, it appears that hasty responses to local stakeholder concerns by the national park service led to the publication of inaccuracies which cast doubt on the agency's credibility and motivation. the committee concludes that there is a lack of strong scientific evidence that shellfish farming has major adverse ecological effects on drake's estero but the park service and environmental service insists nature needs this refuge. >> it's the only place. if we don't have it there, there won't be a marine wilderness would be my guess on the west coast. >> we have a hard time believing that somehow it's wrong to grow seashells on a seashore. it's -- this is a perfect use of a perfect resources. >> reporter: the choice whether to renew the permit rests with interior secretary ken salazar.
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he will have to decide if the only real way to protect nature is to exclude man. at dra estero, john ramos, cbs 5. they promise to fix up your home but they end up in handcuffs. in the consumerwatch, the undercover sting cracking down on unlicensed contractors plus the sunscreen recall prompted by people catching fire. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the dow took a tailspin, fag 205-points today. the nasdaq lost 67. the s- wall street suffered its worst day in four months. the dow took a tailspin falling 205 points today. the nasdaq was down 67. s&p down 24. poor corporate earnings reports pounded the stock market. the state of california is cracking down on unlicensed contractors. as cbs 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts tells us, a lot of
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unqualified people are out there trying to get work fixing up homes and property. >> reporter: this is why homeowners need to do homework before hiring anyone to work on their houses. nearly 100 people were arrested this week in a series of undercover stings throughout the state. state investigators posed as homeowners seeking bids for home improvements like painting, flooring, landscaping and tree trimming. in all, 92 of the contractors responded were arrested and charged with contracting without a license. some were also accused of requesting excessive down payments. >> their goal is to fly below the radar. they usually pay their workers in cash, no taxes. they find lots of ways to cut corners. >> reporter: licensing is necessary because it means the contractor was properly trained, tested and most importantly, is insured. state law requires anyone doing a contracting job that costs more than $500 in labor and materials must have a
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contractor's license and mandates a down payment cannot exceed 10% of the total contract or $1,000 whichever is less. and a major recall tonight. a banana boat sunscreen could burst into flames on your skin if you come in contact with a spark or flame before it's fully dried. the company is recalling 23 of its banana boat sprays. it appears the valve is applying too much product which in turn takes too long to dry. five people in the u.s. and in canada have been burned. >> wow. it's obviously got something flammable in it. >> reporter: alcohol. but typically if the right amount is applied to the skin it would dry before would you have an opportunity to come in contact with a spark. >> but you could be outside near a barbecue or something. >> certainly a safety issue. >> yeah. >> my understanding is they will try to redevelop these cans so that less of the product comes out at once. >> but in the meantime, if you are going on vacation -- thanks
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so much, julie. thousands of riders hop on every day. but it's not public transit. >> could it be changing the very landscape of what san francisco is? >> how an art project gave birth to the bus route to silicon valley. good evening to you, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in i'm meteorologist paul deanno. find out why that's going to mess up one of your morning commutes sooner than later. find out when the rain is arriving coming up. i'm dennis o'donnell live in st. louis. you know, the rodeo is coming to san francisco this weekend and who knows, baseball might be coming back, as well. an update live from busch stadium coming up. ,, thirty-eight. schools. trouble, we all should help out. under thirty-eight they do. more a year. bucks. money for schools. every school dollar must be... spent on student learning. student wins.
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from work on well, brand-new commute is drawing two bay area cities closer together. it takes a new generation of employees to and from work on corporate buses. mike sugerman with a look at the new delicately designed commute. reporter: mass transit isn't always public transit. every day hundreds of huge bus transport a mass of people from san francisco to the silicon valley.
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workplaces like google, yahoo and the like. but they certainly aren't public. >> companies themselves are a little cagey about where those routes are. it can be a contentious issue. >> reporter: eric sees these big buses all over the city and like the rest of us knew nothing about them except that they seemed rather plush and efficient, very much unlike public transit. >> it's a kind of hiding in plain sight situation where, you know, the buses are two stories high and 80 feet long so it's not hard to find them. >> reporter: eric runs a design firm, stay men. and it was commissioned to create a piece of art for a san jose arts nonprofit celebrating 50 years of silicon valley. and so the silicon valley bus map was born. >> so we took a cue from harry beck's london 2 map and the new york city subway map is similar and simplified the routes and turned it into something that was able to read where people were getting on and off. >> reporter: there was no published information. it's too new so they had to start from scratch. he hired bike messengers to
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follow each bus to determine the routes. they made maps, they took hundreds of pictures, and from this art project came the first study of the controversial buses. >> the thing that surprised me the most is how extensive it was. i thought it was just a little mission in downtown situation. >> reporter: nope. by his count, more than 7,000 people jump on these elite coaches every day. that's a full one-third the number that rides caltrain to the peninsula. >> could it be changing the very landscape of what san francisco is? people are choosing where they live and how they play and where they work, this becomes part of that decision-making process. >> reporter: it has started all sorts of conversations which is what art at its best is supposed to do. and this is a very good example of art that really does move us. mike sugerman, cbs 5.
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friday evenly, and that monday morning commute whether it be by bus or car is going is goings to be rough. rain moderate to heavy at times. let's check the map. showing you the last time that we have had a widespread rainfall in the bay area. nearly 6 months ago. have to go back to april 25th the last time we had a good soaker. that will change sunday night and monday morning. let me show you the radar dry now hi-def doppler scanning the skies coming up dry. you know where it's been really dry? in kansas. they have had a multi-year drought with 50-mile-per-hour winds. is that the dust poll of the 1930s? no. that's yesterday. they have had a lot of wind and dry when you combine the two you get problems. that's what they had in kansas. a lot of car accidents because of low visibility. back here, it's 7:00 and we're pitch dark looking towards the
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bay bridge. cooler too. 73 in livermore much cooler than yesterday 64 san jose, santa rosa 65. a lot of you get up early for a bike ride or jog. it will be chilly 48 for santa rosa and napa, 50 san rafael, 52 redwood city. san francisco and oakland down to the low 50s tonight and early tomorrow. a lot to talk about on this map. high pressure which gave us the offshore wind and got us for two days into the 80s and 90s, that's gone. that's being shoved down to the south by this area of low pressure right here bringing a lot of rain, wind, mountain snow from the pacific northwest. it will give us rain and mountain snow above 6,000 feet starting monday. this will be the wettest weather we have had since late april. all computer forecast models say a minimum of a half inch of rainfall from the top of next week. morning clouds and afternoon sunshine over the weekend. the rain doesn't get here until monday morning. but once it gets here it will take three days to get out. we'll have rainfall through wednesday. highs tomorrow, for your saturday, very close to normal but a couple of degrees cooler
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than today. oakland 69, concord 76, san jose 70. morgan hill 74. los gatos 72 degrees. san mateo only 66. brentwood 78. pleasanton for your saturday 75 with some afternoon sunshine. sonoma 76. downtown san francisco 66. mill valley morning clouds afternoon sunshine and highs in the mid-70s. couple of degrees cooler on sunday setting the stage for this rain to move in. monday will be the wettest day but showers continue tuesday and wednesday highs in the 60s and thursday and friday we'll warm up and clear things out. a very interesting event going on at marina green. roberta gonzales is live tonight. good evening. >> reporter: just outside the golden gate bridge, in the marina green and i have to tell you, it is a frigid foggy friday night even the little bit on the drizzly side but that didn't stop 4200 people from showing up today. i have to explain this. it's called a pop-up picnic. 4200 people at 3:30 today said, hey, let's head to marina green
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and have a picnic. so the tables were supplied already. they had to bring the food, libations, and all the fun and that's what they are doing here tonight. so to tell us about how this actually got organized, nicole benjamin is here. how did this all begin? >> well, about a year ago, we read about a story about pop-up dinners happening all over the world and we wanted to bring it to san francisco. so we did our first one last year in 2011 in the music concourse in golden gate park and it came back annually at marina green. >> reporter: people don't even know it's cold out here. >> i was nervous all day that they would but now that there's 4200 people here, it's much warmer. and there's candles and it's beautiful and everybody is having an amazing time. >> i have been walking around talking to guests while they are feasting on the wonderful food out here and they tell me there are other cities that put this on but this is the biggest. what other cities? >> actually it's paris the biggest. it's an event like this. this is the biggest in the u.s.
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there is also we do it in l.a., san diego, there's one in chicago and we did it in new york. >> reporter: so if somebody at home said i want to party and dress in white at the picnic? >> go to our website handmade- sign up. >> reporter: you have to make sure you dress in white. i got some white on under here too. it's cold. but it's time to have some fun with all these people and make new friends. from marina green with mobile weather, eyewitness news will be back after this. ,,
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welcome back. dennis o'donnell has the sports report from st. louis. dennis, tell me what i want to hear. tell me this team is fighting back. >> reporter: ken you know i give nothing but good news, right? giants and cardinals of at busch stadium right now. if the giants win, they continue. if they lose the season is over. here is how they summed it up. >> we have our backs against the wall but we can do this. >> our backs are against the wall. it definitely has a different feeling whenever you have your back against the wall. >> no holds barred. >> we have to continue to go out there and battle and hope
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we find more hope. >> reporter: yes. the cliches come out when your backs are against the wall but right now giants in good shape. barry zito dealing zeros, san francisco 4-0 in the 6th inning. it was a rough out yesterday for the yankees who were swept by the tigers especially for manager joe girardi who created a stir by benching alex rodriguez. but that was minor compared to the heartache caused by losing his father last weekend. >> how do we all get better next year so we don't have this feeling? >> anything else you want to say before we let you go? >> no. >> thank you. >> i -- [ pause ] >> i thank you for my privacy with my father. >> reporter: okay. now shifting to the nfl where the raiders met the nfl ticket sales requirement. they will be televised this sunday. you can see the fifth quarter post-game show immediately following the game. oakland hosts the jaguars who
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have a strong bay area representation. third year defensive lineman tyson aalualu plus maurice jones-drew the first-ever game at the coliseum as a pro. >> the fans on sunday is either church, it's not church and the game it's church or the game. you know what i mean? so most time people pick the game. that's how it is. so that's what makes those fans special out there that, you know, they are die-hard win lose or draw they will yell for their team regardless. >> different type of religion. >> very different. it's called the raider nation. [ laughter ] >> reporter: if i can show a shot of the news set right now i can guarantee that you ken bastida is wearing cowboy boots. this is his type of weekend because the grand national rodeo is coming to the cow palace. here's vern glenn. >> mooo...
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>> reporter: cue the livestock. cowboy apparel. the site of a drill team on horseback center stage. make no mistake, the grabbed national rodeo is back. for almost 70 years, daly city cow palace is home to the tour. during the day of the public is invited to enjoy the agriculture on display. it was built to showcase and sell livestock but at night it's these one ton goliaths that draw the big crowds. what does he know about it? you're looking at the 1995 media bull riding champion. why do you think there's this fascination this attraction to the rodeo? >> man, it's got to be the adrenaline. it ain't for mama's boys. in fact, we're gonna find out how sore we can get so we can keep doing this next weekend. >> i love it because i'm now paid to do what my mama used to whip me for doing.
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she said all this foolishness ain't going to get you nowhere, boy and i'm now going home dancing in front of the radio to the tune of how do you like me now while i wave my check. >> reporter: where else can you check out a clydesdale? it's a taste of the old west adjacent to the city and that's something to smile about. in daly city, vern glenn, cbs 5. >> yeah. thank you, vern. and ken and dana as we go back to you, today for the first time i saw live the clydesdales pulling the budweiser beer wan wagon which was a sight to see. it's really amazing thing. >> yeah. they are amazing animals. they are like the town mascot. >> i got my boots on and i'm sticking to it. or something like that. captions by: caption colorado ee. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today.
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